
Monday, April 2, 2018

quoting Chris Hedges -- sorta

So I’m reading a Chris Hedges essay posted on fb, but only half interested. This guy is overbearingly strident, absolutely convinced of his own wisdom, and ready to kick anyone in his way, lookout. Get the feeling he’d kick himself to make a point. Then I began to notice a certain a similar brutalization of logic to fit the message he’s selling along with a withering contempt for establishment thinking, and realized in certain respects it sounded familiar. 

I occasionally offer global solutions and suggest actions the individual might find within their power, like looking at and owning art, and each post attempt to present a few reasons for what I’m saying, but stripped down the complaints are strikingly similar, so I’ll present both versions, his and mine.

‘The ideology of neoliberalism never made sense. It was a con. No society can effectively govern itself by basing its decisions and policies on the dictates of the marketplace. The marketplace became God............... Those who questioned the doctrine were cast out like medieval heretics, their careers blocked and their voices muted or silenced. The contradictions, lies and destruction within neoliberal ideology were ignored by those who dominated the national discourse, leading to mounting frustration and rage among a populace that had been abandoned and betrayed.’ —- Chris Hedges

‘The ideology of contemporary art never made sense. It was a con. No society can effectively govern itself by basing its decisions and policies on the dictates of the marketplace. The marketplace became God............. Those who questioned the doctrine were cast out like medieval heretics, their careers blocked and their voices muted or silenced. The contradictions, lies and destruction within the contemporary art establishment were ignored by those who dominated the national discourse, leading to mounting frustration and rage among a populace that had been abandoned and betrayed.’ -- OA

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