
Sunday, August 3, 2014

saturday on the square -- close to the source

Owning art is about an organic approach to art consumption. It advocates for ‘farmer’s market’ style alternative venues in salons, restaurants, and local sourcing of free-range art. The appeal is health, of course, although the range of the our senses and the depth of our thought might be less apparent than the girth of our waistline. Like consumer advocates everywhere, part of the job is to deride the stuff in a can for being over-processed and lacking in nutrition. 

Department store art might pick up the color of the drapes but it will not register to anyone entering the room and they won’t remember it. Original art from a local hand will continue to gain attention, in part just because something handmade presents itself differently than a room full of manufactured furnishings. Some folks wouldn’t like this, much the same way those only used to fast food might balk at home-cooking, but that’s usually only at first. Original art imparts oxygen to a room, puts worn spots in perspective, maybe even expresses the owner’s attitudes and sensibility, and everybody notices.

I don’t know about art that sells for millions on some planet where the only way to prove your worth is to light your cigar with the biggest bill. I'm pleased to say it’s over my head. Here in our little community get used to the idea of ripe tomatoes perhaps with blemishes, beans you might have shared with bugs, and feeling good about your house, your day, your life because the art you own and look at everyday brightens everything else. The wave of the future is back to basics. 

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